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Branding to Win Seminar: Branding With Heart And Soul

The Hong Kong Brand Development Council (BDC), the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong, the Trade and Industry Department (TID), and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (TDC) jointly held the "Branding to Win Seminar: Branding With Heart And Soul" at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center on July 11 (Thursday). Ms Linda So, Assistant Director-General of the TID, Ms Shirley Chan, Chairman of the BDC and Mr Ralph Chow, Director of Product Promotion of the TDC presented souvenirs to the speakers. The seminar invited Professor Oliver H M Yau, Honourary Professor, Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration of the Open University of Hong Kong and Emeritus Chair Professor of Marketing, College of Business of City University of Hong Kong to analyze the branding authenticity and customer relationship building approaches; Mr K T Ting, the General Manager, Market Research Business of the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency elaborated on how to enhance brand performance through mystery shopper assessment and effective complaint management; Mr Ricky Ng, the Executive Director of Tiptop Consultants Ltd shared effective tips for training employees to be the front-line brand ambassadors; and Dr Aaron Shum, the President of Aaron Shum Jewelry shared with audience the brand’s experience in winning the heart of middle east customers with great products and best services. The seminar received overwhelming response with nearly 250 participants.



Download PowerPoint of “Branding Authenticity and Customer Relationship Building” (Speaker: Professor Oliver H M Yau)

Download PowerPoint of “Enhancing Brand Performance Through Mystery Shopper Assessment and Effective Complaint Management” (Speaker: Mr KT Ting)

Download PowerPoint of “Train Your Employees to be the Front-line Brand Ambassadors” (Speaker: Mr Ricky Ng)


More Seminar rewind:

Branding to Win Seminar 2012: The Road to Successful Branding in Mainland Market

Branding to Win Seminar 2011: The Rise of Emerging Brands



