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Serial Webinar on “ Digital Transformation Strategy During the Epidemic”

While the global outbreak of coronavirus, SMEs are facing tremendous challenges and difficulties. The BDC and CMA co-organised seven free-of-charge webinars under the banner of the “‘Winning the Coronavirus Battle’ Business Strategy Series” during March to April, in which experts from different domains analysed impacts of the pandemic on economic and business environment from different perspectives, such as human resources management, business strategy and e-commerce, so as to shed light on the ways to solve operating problems and turn adversity into opportunities in a challenging times.

A webinar on “Digital Transformation Strategy During the Epidemic” was held on 1 April 2020, which was the third seminar of the “Winning the Coronavirus Battle” Series. Mr Jeffrey Chu, Director & Founder of You Find Limited and Vice Chairman of Digital Transformation Alliance was invited to illustrated the importance of digital transformation and the core competence that Hong Kong enterprises should develop for implementing digitalisation. This webinar attracted an audience of around 70 participants.


Download PowerPoint of “ Digital Transformation Strategy in the Epidemic”
